Blog – Smartbat Spécialisée dans les produits pour bâtiments : Enduit, étanchéité, toiture, revêtement du sol, jointoiement et collage, finition des bâtiments, Ingénierie de la rénovation et Industrie. Tue, 01 Nov 2022 21:10:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog – Smartbat 32 32 The green building Tue, 01 Nov 2022 21:10:27 +0000 Definition

Green Building is the creation, restoration, renovation or rehabilitation of a building in such a way that it is asecologically sound as possible at every stage of its construction, and later, its use (heating, energy consumption, discharge of various flows: water, waste).

Issues and principles

The challenges and principles of eco-construction are based on 5 issues:

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  • An integrated approach

All those involved in eco-building must follow an integrated approach based on the relevance and quality of the materials and resources used in the eco-building project.

  • Taking geographical constraints into account

Eco-construction takes into account environmental constraints: the terrain, its orientation, its gradients, the layout of neighboring buildings and trees, to adapt the project to geographical constraints.

  • Careful choice of materials

Careful choice of building materials, both high-performance and environmentally-friendly, helps avoid thermal bridges.

  • Energy management and high energy performance

Energy management in eco-construction involves mastering techniques that significantly reduce energy consumption, with a view to energy autonomy, financial savings and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

  • User health and comfort

In addition to the visual, acoustic, thermal and hygrothermal comfort that eco-housing must generate, the health and comfort of occupants are crucial criteria in eco-construction. A healthy place to live refers to the quality of air, water, electromagnetic fields and humidity levels.

International certifications

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Source: “What and Why green buildings in Finland, Heli Kotilainen, “Green Building Business Opportunity Seminar 17.9.2015

United States: LEED

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a North American system for certifying buildings of high environmental quality, created by the US Green Building Council in 1998. A building can reach four levels: certified, silver, gold or platinum.



HQE™ is the French High Environmental Quality certification for the construction or operation of buildings and for land development. HQE™ promotes best practices and sustainable quality of achievements and offers expert support throughout the project.

In France, certification is operated by 3 certifiers:

Certivea for land and non-residential buildings under construction, renovation and operation.

Cerqual for housing.

Cequami for single-family homes


Green Building Evaluation Label(GBEL)

The Green Building Evaluation Label (GBEL) is a voluntary national rating system in China administered by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD).

GBEL is a green building certification program that evaluates projects in six categories:. land, energy, water, resources / material efficiency, indoor environmental quality and operational management. The certification uses a three-star system, with three stars the highest level, followed by two stars and one star.

The advantages of lime in the building sector Tue, 01 Nov 2022 21:09:32 +0000 Lime is an alternative wall covering. It can replace ceiling plaster, cement mortar and vinyl or latex paints. It has many advantages.

  1. Lime is permeable to water vapour

Lime lets the walls of old and new buildings breathe. It promotes moisture exchange and evacuation. It captures and releases water vapour. It helps prevent rising damp.

  • Lime enhances indoor comfort

Lime has the natural ability to regulate humidity in walls and rooms. An asset that not only improves interior comfort, but also saves energy. Heating is much more efficient when walls are thoroughly dry.

  • Lime is impermeable to run-off water

Air-permeable, it is waterproof and protects walls from the elements.

  • Lime is a good sound and heat insulator

Lime has both soundproofing and thermal insulation properties. Its natural performance can be further enhanced by adding flax or hemp particles to lime mortar. However, this type of mortar does not achieve the insulating performance of Specific Insulation Materials.

  • Lime is healthy

Lime purifies the atmosphere thanks to its bactericidal and antiseptic properties. In damp areas, it prevents the proliferation of mold. Lime paints contain no volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

  • Lime is flexible and resistant

Lime adapts easily to different substrates. It is supple and elastic. This allows it to adapt to the building movements inherent in any construction, old or new. It is also very resistant and ages well.

  • Lime is fireproof

Hydraulic lime, and even more so air lime, are particularly fire-resistant.

  • Lime is easy to work with

Lime-based mortars respect materials such as stone and wood. They can be removed without affecting other parts of the structure. Then replace them with new lime mortar or other materials. This is an essential quality, especially when restoring old buildings.

  • Lime is decorative

Lime offers many decorative possibilities, both indoors and out. Mixed with natural pigments, it offers a very wide range of tones.

The Red-eyed Treefrog Tue, 01 Nov 2022 21:01:55 +0000 Is a species of amphibian in the Phyllomedusidae family, measuring up to 59 mm for males and 77 mm for females.

Its dorsal side varies from leaf green to dark green. Its flanks are dark blue, violet or brown, with yellow or cream vertical slashes. Its limbs are tinted blue or orange. Its ventral side is white. Their eyes are globular, red and have vertical pupils.

The skin on her back and belly is smooth. Juveniles can change color from green during the day to purplish or reddish-brown at night. Their eyes are more yellow than red, and their flanks are devoid of clear markings.

Its red eyes with vertical pupils are the origin of its name. Its habits are nocturnal. Its predators are nocturnal birds, bats and snakes, which eat it despite the presence of toxic substances in its skin.

Red-eyed tree frog embryos have demonstrated phenotypic plasticity, enabling them to hatch early in response to danger to protect themselves. Experiments have shown that when attacked by snakes (Leptodeira), the eggs hatch quickly, enabling the tadpoles to escape and reach the water, where their chances of survival are higher.
